Author Archives: admin

Dark matter may solve ‘radio filaments’ mystery – WBNews

Unexplained “filaments” of radio-wave emission close to our galaxy’s centre may hold proof of the...

Prince Philip at 90 on a lifetime of speaking his mind – WBNews

Media captionPrince Philip tells Fiona Bruce while he is passionate about conservation he does not...

David Tennant and Catherine Tate win over critics – WBNews

Reunited former Doctor Who stars David Tennant and Catherine Tate’s Much Ado About Nothing has...

New method ‘confirms dark energy’ – WBNews

First results from a major astronomical survey using a cutting-edge technique appear to have confirmed...

Dark matter theory challenged by gassy galaxies result – WBNews

A controversial theory that challenges the existence of dark matter has been buoyed by studies...

‘Music of the stars’ now louder – WBNews

The Kepler space telescope measures the sizes and ages of stars five times better than...

Mid-East: Will there be a domino effect? – WBNews

The Arab world has been transfixed by the recent dramatic events in Egypt and Tunisia....

Solar flares on dwarf stars could threaten alien life – WBNews

Red dwarf stars have surprisingly frequent flare-ups, scientists say, and these solar flares’ effects could...

Birth and death within Andromeda – WBNews

This picture, released to the BBC, combines the power of Europe’s Herschel and XMM-Newton space...

Bangs big and small in cosmic origins debate – WBNews

It turns out that sometimes this same “observer effect” crops up in science journalism. The...