The easy way to diagnose concussion? A 90% accurate test works by monitoring how someone’s brain responds to sound – WBNews

Scientists have devised a simple test that can accurately assess whether someone has suffered concussion. The test, which works with 90 per cent accuracy, works by monitoring how the injured person responds to sound. An electrical sensor attached to the scalp monitors how closely the person’s brainwaves mirror the soundwaves. If someone is concussed, the signal is not picked up so clearly. The test is necessary as concussion is notoriously difficult to detect following a blow to the head – and is a particular problem during sports. The concussion test, which works with 90 per cent accuracy, works by monitoring how the injured person responds to sound Whether a sudden impact has caused brain injury – and further investigation is necessary – or is not serious is hard to assess. This is because damage to the brain is not necessarily reflected by the severity of the blow. And medical staff largely rely on the injured person accurately reporting their symptoms. But suffering a concussion could lead to serious consequences if undiagnosed – and expose a concussed person to a risk of even greater injury. Researchers at Northwestern University said that the study relied on the finding that a concussed person has a ‘compromised ability to make sense of sound’. Lead author Nina Kraus said: ‘This biomarker could take the guesswork out of concussion diagnosis and management. ‘Our hope is this discovery will enable clinicians, parents and coaches to better manage athlete health, because playing sports is one of the best…more detail

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