7 Ways To Avoid Arguments At The Dinner Table, For Parents Of Fussy Eaters – WBNews

© ClarkandCompany via Getty Images We all have foods that we aren’t that fond of, whether that is Brussells sprouts, broccoli, mushrooms, or coriander. But for parents of fussy eaters, getting your children to eat anything healthy, let alone a green vegetable, can be an ongoing battle. Relate family counsellor, Christine Northam told The Huffington Post UK: “Food is linked very strongly to the way we feel, which means it can end up becoming an emotional battle ground.” So we asked Northam and Amanda Gummer, psychologist at Fundamentally Children, for advice on how to tackle those dinner time arguments, before they get out of control: 1. Eat as a family. It isn’t always easy to get all members of the family around the table at the same time, but this simple act can have a huge impact on the ability to control arguments before they reach fever-point. “The more often a family eats together, the easier mealtimes will be – (as long a you are consistent),” Gummer assured. 2. Try to understand the source of the problem. Northam explained fussy eating often isn’t about the food on your child’s plate. “It is nearly always about other issues being acted out over food,” she said. “Often it’s about the parents being too controlling generally – the only way the child can express their resentment is to refuse food, play with it or hide it.” 3. Pick your battles. If you are trying to address fussy eating, table manners and sitting still,…more detail

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