Anmol Malik’s Self-Funded New Single, ‘Let Me Come Home’ Will Make You Passionately Root For Indie Music

Bollywood lovers probably remember Anmol Malik for her hit track, Talli, from 2008’s Ugly aur Pagli.

However, in a refreshing departure from the staid conventions that musicians have to abide by in Bollywood, Anmol has written and composed a new single, Let Me Come Home, which premiered online a couple of weeks ago.

Since no major music label has backed the number, Let Me Come Home, a soulful number that exudes both, melancholy and nostalgia in equal measures, is entirely self-funded.

Malik put the song on YouTube first where it grabbed the attention of the programming execs at Vh1.

The channel got in touch with a thrilled Malik to secure the rights to air the composition, where it slowly climbed popularity charts, trending among singles by international artists like Arctic Monkeys and Justin Bieber. The number was later picked up by the radio station, 94.3.

What really makes the soothing song stand apart is its genuine international appeal.

A combination of all the elements — the music, the lyrics, and the basic treatment of the video (a beautiful kaleidoscopic visual that throws some metaphysical references) — makes it stand out uniquely. Also refreshing is to hear Anmol croon in English — it takes you a moment to realize this is the same voice that sang Talli, which was a vastly different composition.

The music scene in India is still largely dominated by chartbusters doled out by Bollywood, which effectively edges out any other voice that sings a different tune. Although Malik comes from a family of lineage (she’s Anu Malik’s daughter), according to her, the attempt is to break-free from that preconceived image and surprise listeners.

“I think what has worked for Let Me Come Home is the fact that it comes from a deeply personal space. And it’s heartening to know when people relate to music that comes from within you,” Malik told HuffPost India in a telephonic conversation.

“The song is for everyone who’s ever felt alone in a crowd or even otherwise,” she says.

Ask her about how different the experience is compared to making music for Bollywood and she says, “It’s quite different really as you aren’t being dictated by conventions. I’m tempted to say that writing, composing, and singing your own song, without any pressures for it to be a certain way, is a uniquely satisfying experience.”

You can listen to the song below:

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